May 3, 2021 / By: J.Greenwell

The Mental Health Assessment Everyone Should Take

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Mental Health During COVID-19

In the last year, we've had to focus a lot of our attention on health. From handwashing to hibernating in our homes, we've all become experts in how to protect our physical health. The physical aspect is only one part of our overall health, though, and even many those who have been fortunate enough to avoid COVID-19 thus far have seen their mental health take a hit. For those already dealing with mental health issues, the pandemic has only made things more difficult in many ways.

Mental Health Self-Assessment

Here's a quick set of questions from a great article shared on the Canadian Association for Mental Health's website for Mental Health Week; please take a moment to ask yourself these questions and remember them for those you care about as well. CAMH suggests you should see how much you agree or disagree with these points. If you find that you disagree with more than a few of these statements, please check out the resources below for some great advice on how to get some help in starting to address them.

Self-Assessment Questions

Your sense of self

  1. I feel confident about my own opinions, even if they're different from what other people think or believe.
  2. I think people respect me, but I can disagree with others and still feel ok about myself.
  3. I feel that I am the expert on my own life.
  4. I consider myself to be a good person.
  5. I deserve to feel well.

Your purpose and sense of meaning

  1.  I feel like I'm reaching my potential.
  2. I feel I am growing as a person.
  3. I challenge myself.
  4. I have a sense of purpose and meaning in my life.
  5. It is a better world with me in it.
  6. I am good at things that matter to me.
  7. I get something out of the things I do.


  1. I get along with others, and I feel good about my personal relationships and social interactions.
  2. I feel like I am part of something bigger than myself.
  3. I feel like I belong.
  4. I have people in my life to support me.


  1. What I do matters a lot to others.
  2. I feel useful and productive.
  3. I make the world a better place in my own way.
  4. I am making a difference.

Hope and enjoyment

  1. I am optimistic about my future.
  2. I feel good about myself.
  3. I like and accept myself.
  4. I usually expect good things will happen.
  5. I enjoy life.


  1. Things are hard sometimes, but I think I deal pretty well.
  2. I know I can't control everything, but I take action where I can.
  3. If you knock me down, I get back up again.

Mental Health Assessment Results

It's important to be honest when assessing yourself with these questions, remember that while this pandemic has made many of us feel alone, it doesn't have to be that way. There are resources available to help us process the loneliness and loss that the pandemic has created. There are people who care about you just waiting to help, all they need for you to do is reach out.

It's OK to feel tired, stressed out, frustrated… whatever you're going through, it's OK to feel that way but it's not OK to let the negative feelings become your new (emotional) normal. Please take some time this week to focus on yourself and the people you care about in your life, and make this the week you use the resources below to reach out if you need to.

Mental Health Resources

If you find you're doing alright but want to know how you can help others, please consider visiting the same resources below to inquire about how you can help.

We're in tough times, but there's no reason we have to go through them alone. 

Please reach out if you need to.

If you or someone you love is struggling, there is hope and help: 

  1. Please contact your local CMHA.
  2. MHW2021 (
  3. Visit
  4. Visit the Government of Canada's Wellness Together portal.
  5. Thinking of suicide? Please call 1-833-456-4566 toll free in Canada (1-866-277-3553 in Quebec).